Thursday, May 21, 2015

Survivors On Purpose Inc.- Leslie Williams

Leslie Williams
Started the organization Survivors On Purpose because she is a 5 year breast cancer survivor. Stage 1 infiltrating ductal carcinoma breast cancer, pathology triple negative, changed her life forever. Triple Negative Breast Cancer is a confusing diagnosis with a frightening prognosis. She works diligently to model advocacy at its best. Breast cancer survivors need role models, too. She embraces several roles in her community she is a mentor, volunteer and educator to her colleagues.
She is also a proud member of the Junior League of Arlington as well as Power Forward Woman.

She is also involved in activities that bring attention to other women who are impacted by Triple Negative Breast Cancer. For her knowledge is power. Researching information about Triple Negative Breast Cancer made her feel empowered. During and after treatment she was not able to find any social groups for women who were diagnosed with T.N.B.C .After searching and coming up with no results she decided to start her own organization Survivors on Purpose.

 Leslie host events year round to constantly bring awareness to not just Triple Negative Breast Cancer but Breast Cancer as a whole. She has already began to accept speaking engagements for the month of October; which is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Check out the interview below to learn more about Leslie Williams and Survivors on Purpose.


1. What is the Mission of Survivors on Purpose?

My mission is to change the legacy of breast cancer through peer-to-peer support, networking and education. Since I am an advocate of Breast Cancer Awareness  I make it my purpose to engage the people in my community.
2.What makes Survivors on Purpose different from other Breast Cancer awareness organizations? 

We strive to be more than just another breast cancer awareness organization. Our vision is to cultivate a Grassroots agenda – for survivors by survivors.  We want to expand our commitment to nurture the culture of inclusion by strengthening our capacity to support. We make it our goal to form meaningful relationships with new survivors of Triple Negative Breast Cancer . We also support those who are well along in their journey.

We are building a bridge to connect people to local and pertinent resources. These resources will include clinical research professionals, health screenings and breast cancer education. This will allow us to increase our network circle to ensure that the program stays relevant to women of all ages. Our ultimate goal is to reduce breast cancer risks, increase overall quality of life and reduce mortality from breast cancer.

3.    Why is Triple Negative Breast Cancer so hard to treat? 

Triple negative breast cancer occurs in about 10-20% of diagnosed breast cancers and is more likely to affect younger people, African Americans, Hispanics, and/or those with a BRCA1 gene mutation. A diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer means that the three most common types of receptors known to fuel most breast cancer growth–estrogen, progesterone, and the HER-2/neu gene– are not present in the cancer tumor. Thus making Triple Negative Breast cancer more aggressive and difficult to treat.  Also, the cancer is more likely to spread and recur.

The stage of breast cancer and the grade of the tumor will influence the prognosis. Research about triple negative breast cancer is relatively new. Researchers suspect that there are not one but several types of triple negative breast cancers. These genetic changes may make it difficult for scientists to develop a drug that will be effective for the majority of patients. Using chemotherapy to treat triple negative breast cancer is still an effective option.
4.    When did you discover that you had Breast Cancer?

I got my first baseline mammogram at the age of thirty-five which was normal. Afterwards I did not start my annual exams until the age of forty as per medical guidelines. In 2009 at the age of forty-one  I discovered a lump in my left breast ... I was one year shy of getting my 2nd annual mammogram.
5.    Did you face any obstacles during the treatment process? If so, how did you overcome them?

Thankfully I did not have obstacles that I could not overcome. My occupation is in Information Technology as a Quality Engineer. Fortunately for me I was insured with great benefits. I had lots of (PTO) Paid Time Off and sick days with a good FMLA program. Also my job allows for telecommuting. I was able to work from home when required.

6.    What message would you like to provide to women in the community?

My published Survivors’ Creed
-As Survivors We Have Choices.
-Choose to face your fears.
-Choose to fight.
-Choose to make a difference.
-Choose healing through education.
-Choose knowledge through discovery.
-Choose empowerment through understanding.
-Choose to make an impact through involvement.
-Choose LIFE ~ Survive On Purpose.

7.    Tell us about your Annual Chili Cook-Off.

I usually host our Annual Chili Cook Off fundraiser in March. The event is open to the general public and will offer a taste of some exceptional chili recipes, as well as activities for kids and adults. This annual event features a chili cook-off competition, as well as face painting, hot dog roast, a bounce house, games and more.

Proceeds from the Chili Cook-Off and other fundraising efforts provide 100 percent of the money that Survivors On Purpose uses for workshops, expos, social activities and breast cancer education. This annual event strives to develop a loyal following across a diverse audience base because it is a fun, come-as-you-are spring party offering good food, entertainment and friendly competition.
8.    Are there any assumptions or misconceptions about Breast Cancer that you would like to shed some light on?

There are two popular misconceptions. The first popular misconception about breast cancer this that you cannot get it under thirty years of age. Also the other misconception is that women under the age of forty years of age are too young for a mammogram. The truth is that if your having breast issues and pain or close family members has had breast cancer in the past you may be considered high risk.

 Breast Cancer is very popular in women however men and young people are at risk. If breast cancer runs in your family you should have a serious conversation with your doctor about your risk factors. These factors will include but not limited to family history and genetics.
9.    Please provide us with your social media information.
Leslie Y. Williams
Survivors On Purpose, Inc.
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