Sunday, March 6, 2016

Laporcia Mann: Modern Day Supermom

Laporicia Mann

Modern Day Supermom

Written By: Vvdaul Rashaad Holloway
Published: 3/6/16

Dedication to a task is probably the best way to insure success in performance, but when you are a single mother, dedication may not always be enough to get the job done. Often times you need patience, strength, love and support as well as dedication to keep yourself motivated and on track towards your goals as a woman and responsibilities as a mother.

Supermom, LaPorcia Mann, has seemingly balanced all of these key aspects as she pushes toward greatness in her life. A mother of three daughters, LaPorcia has admitted that being a working mother can be challenging.

“The hardest part about being a working mom is missing out on my daughters’ field trips and gymnastics classes,” Mann says. “To make up for this, I try to set aside time when I’m not working. I let each of my daughters choose something they want to do and then we go do it – no cell phones, emails, or phone calls – we just vibe out.”

LaPorcia Mann goes on to talk about a work-life balance that involves not losing yourself while wearing so many different hats within your family. In regard to staying fit, LaPorcia suggests clean eating and cardio at least three days a week. As far as “mommy time,” Mann gives advice on how to stay above water when you feel like you may want to give up.

“Just take things day by day and pray about every situation. Also, take time for yourself,” LaPorcia says. “Moms often get lost in the shuffle of life and we forget about ourselves – go get your nails done or get a good massage.”

Mann shared a look into her spiritual connection and faith by letting K.M.Speaks get insight into what keeps her grounded. When her life gets overwhelming, LaPorcia shared that she likes to read Psalms 34:17. She says that if it were not for her journey she would not be where or who she is today.
Another thing that seems to keep her grounded is family. While in Texas, she says that she and her daughters love to visit her parents, David and Tamela Mann.

“They are always asking to go to Granny and Papa’s house,” LaPorcia says.
And although they love to spend time with her parents, LaPocia talks about the most memorable times with her daughters being when they can all just sit down and have conversations.
Mann says, “You can learn about how your children feel with a simple conversation.”
As far as where she is on her journey, LaPorcia Mann tells K.M.Speaks that it is something she works toward constantly. She says that balance in her career and being a working mom is something that she is still trying to master.

“Some days go really smooth and some days I have to stop and take a breather,” LaPorcia shared. “A lot of prayer, coffee, and patience [are key to this balance as well].”
So it seems that it does take quite a lot to achieve successful balance of being a working mother in a modern world. All of the needs of health, children, family, work, and life, in general, can be stressful and hard to keep track of. LaPorcia Mann, however, has given us a K.M.Speaks a good starting formula.
If you would like to know more about LaPorcia and her family, you can go to their website at, Facebook at /laporciamann and Instagram at porcia_mann.

Vvdaul Rashaad Holloway

K.M. Speaks Blogger

Laporcia Mann Photo Credits &

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