Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Jashawn Mykel: Single Dad of Three

Before Jashawn Mykel became a single dad of three he had to overcome some difficult times. Shortly after graduating he heard that Sunday’s Best was holding auditions and being a singer he decided to audition. Although he didn’t make it far in the competition this didn't stop him from becoming a local celebrity. Doors began to open for Jashawn and more opportunities began to present itself. During this time Jashawn was rather happy and even auditioned for the Big Brother Reality Series.

After a while all the hype calmed down and he began living a normal life. He waited patiently for call backs and nothing seemed to come through. He became disappointed and wondered why God would take him to such heights to simply close doors. 

The closing of doors was just the beginning… life was about to deal him a devastating hand of cards. He began to lose everything including his home and he had to move in with his cousin. While living with his cousin and working he received a phone call from the Department of Human Services. In this call he was informed that his sister was in jail and her three kids were being split up in the foster care system. It broke Jashawns heart knowing that his niece and nephews were being split up into three different homes.

Upon receiving this phone call he decided to step up and become a foster parent to the children. He thought the journey would be easy he would simply sign a few document s and ta da the process was over. It was actually the opposite...for months Jashawn had to go through red tape and attend court appearances. He had to find a home that was at least a three bedroom, he had to get renters insurance and attend parenting classes. 

When asked if he believes that it was worth it going through the red tape he responded “I applaud D.H.S for the programs, qualifications, and standards that they have in place in order for one to become a foster parent. You are given the most precious gift in life which is a child and you should be worthy of the title of being called a parent.” Finally after going through the process he became a foster parent and overnight Father of three.

Although the light at the end of tunnel seemed closer than before… Life had one more hand of cards to deal Jashawn. This last misfortune was in the form of him losing his job. While working a job for ninety days his probation period came up and he was let go. 

This was a devastating blow to Jashawn he was now the father of three with a new house and no job. During this time Jashawn leaned on his go to scripturese Psalms 34:1 and Psalms 37:1-7. He told me "during that time I had to Sink or Swim the only thing I had was my Faith all I could do was trust God."

Jashawn trusted God through it all and although he did not understand in the beginning... he stood firm in his faith and continued to endure. He later told me “ When I look back I realized that God was closing those doors because he knew I would become a foster parent. See I didn’t understand at the time but it became very clear once I received that phone call from D.H.S. why my dreams were put on halt”

Jashawn having such a strong faith makes sure that his children have a firm foundation in Christ. He attends church with his children regularly to ensure that they have a unshakable faith like himself. Jashawn is very transparent about his experience and wants to inspire others with his testimony. 

Jashawn is committed to being the best foster parent that he can be. He attends his classes to ensure he is highly educated and prepared for any future red tape that comes his way. He takes good care of his children and even gets up at 4:30 a.m. to iron their clothes for school. 

He said in a Facebook post “
The Reason I wake up every morning at 4:30 am! If you prepare them for Success, they will be SUCCESSFUL! Love what you have been BLESSED with! Have a Great Day! Ah Now!” Although the children are fed breakfast at school Jashawn still takes the time to prepare them a homemade meal. One thing you will rarely see is one plate prepared for one person. You can bet your bottom dollar you will see four plates showing the meal he prepared for himself and his three children.He even posts on social media some of his homemade dinners. 

For example he is always having a family night which is a  kid friendly meal that can range from chili dogs to tacos.I know one thing whenever I visit Little Rock, Arkansas I know whose house I will be having dinner at. Forget the Cheddars, Chipotles and upscale restaurants I will be at no other than Jashawn Mykel home eating fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

 With all jokes aside this has definitely been a winding journey from being on Sunday's Best to becoming homeless and losing everything. Even through the good the bad and the ugly  Jashawn stood firm in his faith. 

He told me " I realized that everything that I have learned since being in this new phase of my life has taught me another side of life. I now understand that change is never bad.The main thing that motivates me is my will to live. Regardless of what has been said about me, what I have done in the past, or what others feel I should do, I still have not given up in the fight." 

No matter what cards life deals Jashawn he says that without his struggles he wouldn’t be the person he is today. Jashawn has been jobless for six months now and is still going strong. If your interested in booking  Jashawn please message him on facebook. If you feel lead to send a send a blessing his way please do it via Paypal his e-mail address is antoniojohnson114@gmail.com .To learn more about Jashawn check out his interview below!

1. What was the hardest part of your journey?
The hardest part about this time in my life was going from a single man to becoming a father of three in a matter of hours. What I will say is that the losing of my  job or having the door to a dream being shut is that it was not big enough for me! 

In other words it was not my " Ah Now" time to have a job or to pursue my dreams. Everything in life happens for a reason and even though we may not understand at that moment, in the end you will appreciate your earlier no's for your current Yes's.

2.What advice can you give to someone who has lost it all?
 Advice that I could give to someone that has lost it all is to keep on fighting! The easiest thing in life to do is to give up. Just because your past situations didn't work for you, doesn't mean that your present is not going to work for you.

 A lot of times we have to understand that situations we face, comes only to make us better. If life was meant to be over, then we wouldn’t be still being here to tell about it. Lastly I would tell them that little faith produce little rewards but major faith produce major manifestations.

3. Tell me three reasons why you tell your story?
Three Reasons I tell my story:
  •To inspire people to keep believing and know that a better day is coming.
  •To let young people and older people know that regardless of where you come from, you still can be successful.

   •Lastly I tell my story so people can understand that in order to enjoy the true abundance of life, you must work hard and to continue to fight because Victory can only come once you start the fight!

4. How has life changed for the better?
Life has changed for the better because I now have a new reason to live. I have gone from caring for just me to caring for four people! Life has also changed for me because all the education and training that I have been in the previous has equipped me to be an essential mentor now for my children. 

Life has also changed because I am also learning about a world that I didn't know existed called Parenting! Lastly I truly honor the fact that this new life has re-sparked a fire in me that I had allowed to become dim!

5.Why do you think that as believers we should embrace our trials and tribulations?
As a believer I feel that we should embrace everything that we go through verses running over them to understand first what we are up against. Secondly to look at the situation and go in knowing that you control it and it don't control you. 

Then to go through the situation knowing that I am going to make the best of this, master it, and store this knowledge so that I can master it at the end. Lastly I would say that I would embrace them because in the end, I will get to see Victory!

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Be Blessed in all that you do!
K.M. Speaks Blogger

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