Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kassy Levels: Musician

Kassy Levels
Is fresh off the American Idol stage of  #TheFarewellSeason she made it to the top fifty one. To check out her audition video please click on the link below

Now that she isn’t performing in front of millions she is working on her original music.  She has booked several events for the months to come and is really excited about all the opportunities coming her way. Kassy is taking charge of every stage that she touches. When she isn’t focused on her music she is focused on her family and giving back to her community.

 Kassy accompanied by her band mate Kayla recently went to a local school to speak about the importance of education. They also used their knowledge of music to demonstrate what chord progressions are and how 4 chord progressions could be heard in popular music. Which can been seen by clicking the link below https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1223282981021353&id=118869171462745 

Aside from performing for students and millions of people…Kassy's number one priority is family. Not many know that her band is composed of real family members/ close friends and she truly believes in keeping family first. Even at her audition for American Idol you could spot her sister/ band mate Kayla sitting beside her. 

You will also see her sister Kayla in her videos and at all of her local performances rocking on the keyboard. When we asked Kassy if you could perform in any country what would it be and why she mentioned the Philippines. Her reason being that she is half Philippine and that she loves being in touch with her roots. 

She also mentioned that it would mean a lot to her grandmother to perform in the Philippines. With such a beautiful spirit we look forward to seeing where life takes Kassy as she always says “ It’s Levels to this.” So if she was on American Idol a few weeks ago we are looking forward to her to headlining local events then on to joining  tours with big name musicians. That's just us speaking awesomeness over her life! 

We have high hopes for Kassy Levels and wish her nothing but the best.
Kassy hasn't always been the beautiful confident woman that she is today. She told us that she was a chubby kid and often cried in dance class. She felt like a underdog because she had vocal nodules which made singing hard for her. 

Kassy is definitely an overcomer. Kassy sums up her grind by the following quote “If you are passionate about it, there is no stopping what you are capable of”. 

With this mindset it's no shock to us that she just released a single called  "Soulmates". This amazing video was shot using her very own Samsung Note 5. You can check out Kassy Levels New Video "Soulmates" below. Don't forget to subscribe to her YouTube channel kassylevels. 

To learn more about Kassy Levels check out her interview below!

1. How would you describe your style of music?

I grew up listening to a lot of British Indie and British pop! But in the car my parents would always listen to r&b. I think my genre has taken from my background and I've married the 2 genres to create something unique in my music.

2. How did you find your swag/ style?

Growing up and being true to who I am. Everyone has a unique fingerprint, and life is about magnifying who you were designed to be.

3. Do you believe that it is important to live a healthy lifestyle being a entertainer?

It's very important! It's not cute to be out of breath and perform on stage! Also, I used to struggle with my weight a lot when I was younger, and I wanna be the best me so that I can inspire others to do the same.

4. What are the top 3 performances you are most proud of?

Any performance I did on American idol would be my most proud moments. For the first time my dad got to sit in the audience and watch me perform. My dad has always been my bass player so for him to watch me on stage this was a memorable moment for me. 

He was so proud of me  it was like he was watching my future first show that was sold out. I know I'm going to kill it for my fans so this is just the beginning so dad sit back because there will be more proud moments to come.

5. Whenever you feel like quitting what motivates you to keep going?

My family hands down is what motivates me to keep going. Sometimes I think they believe in me more than I believe in myself.  To me this means a lot because to them me quitting is equivalent to pigs flying. I have no plan B because if  I was to have one that means I don't believe plan A is going to work.

6. What is your social media/ contact information? IG, Twitter, FB, is 

@KassyLevels and my snapchat is Kassy_Levels

7. Do you have any events coming up?

I have 2 Showcases in Austin Texas on March 18 

The Library Bar 5:00p.m.-8:00 p.m.  
 Club Galaxy at 10 p.m. check out the flyers below for more information!

Thank You for Supporting K.M. Speaks!
Be Blessed in all that you do!
K.M. Speaks Blogger

 BE INSPIRED. BE MOTIVATED. BE ENCOURAGED! If you have or know of someone with  a Business or Non-Profit Organizations please e-mail knowmoreclothing@gmail.com to have your story featured on Know More Speaks. Subject: Know More Speaks. The purpose of this blog is to inspire, motivate and encourage others in our community We also love to shed light on Business Owners,Non-Profit Organizations and Talented Individuals. Thank you for supporting KNOW MORE SPEAKS!  #CreatingConnections. 

 NOTE: We are currently seeking someone to edit our blogs this is a unpaid job however volunteer hours are given. For more information please email knowmoreclothing@gmail.com with the  Subject: Blog Editor. 
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