Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Plus Size Model: Monica Dillard


Monica  Dillard

Having children doesn’t have to detour our life plans or goals. In fact, having kids can serve as an inspiration to be a role model and successful person. With Monica Dillard, a plus-sized fashion model, the inspiration in her career came as a way to boost the self-esteem of her daughter.

This West Texas native has big dreams of reaching New York’s Fashion Week. Working for over 5 years as a print and runway model, Dillard has gotten to meet and work with several designers. She urges people to look at beauty as coming in all shapes and sizes so that beauty and the image of a model can change and be as fluid as other standards in our culture.

In fact, she notes that the plus and non-plus sized model industries are not very different quoting that “[we] still have to carry ourselves with the same sense of class and dignity.”

Read more about Monica Dillard in her interview below, and be sure to check out all of her social media.

1. What inspired you to become a model?

There are a couple of things that inspired me to become a model. The most important inspiration was and still is my kids.  My now 13 year old was having some self-esteem issues due to being plus size.  She felt ugly and fat and I did not want her believing that plus size was not pretty.

My goal, and so far successful, is to ensure and instill in her that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and that he is beautiful.  My quote that I remind her of daily is "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and as long as she believes she is beautiful then there is not one thing or person that can tell her differently.

2. How long have you been working as a model?
I have been modeling now for a little over 5 years on and off.

3. What advice can you give to new models starting their careers?
My advice to new models is to be flexible, be teachable and most importantly believe in yourself and your craft.  The more flexible and teachable you are the more designers are willing to work with you.
4. Who are your top 5 favorite designers?
Narrowing it down to 5 designers is tough but I will name some that I have worked with. Simply O' Designs, Sambi Fashions, AnToni, Dedric Davis and would love to wear Gege Gilzene designs.
5. Do you prefer print or runway modeling more?
I don't prefer one more than the other.  I love runway because it gives me the opportunity to display my personality and love for my craft.  I love print because it allows me to express my creativity and shows versatile looks.

6. What would you change about the fashion industry if you had the power?
If I could change one thing about the fashion industry it would be the attitude toward plus size women.  Plus size is beautiful as are all sizes. The Plus Size model industry is no different to me than the regular model industry.  We are plus but we still hold and carry ourselves with class and dignity.
7. Where do you see yourself in two years?
I see myself in a major magazine publication talking to young girls about self -esteem – if modeling is their dream then helping them achieve that dream.
8. Tell us about your social media
FB:  Monica Plussizemodel Dillard         IG:  @nicadillard

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Vvdaul R. Holloway
K.M. Speaks Community Blogger

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