Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Devonte Synder: A new vessel in Christ

Devonte Synder
This young man is in his early twenties and has overcome an addiction to drugs, self-harm and the lifestyle of homosexuality. Devonte was also a male prostitute and due to his lifestyle he became infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus also known as H.I.V.  He mentioned that once he found out he was H.I.V. positive is the moment he gave his life to Christ.

On 4-13-16 at 3:09 p.m. C.S.T. Devonte posted this status on Facebook

 Today he being tested for H.I.V. and while waiting for the results he posted on facebook “ It’s been a year since I have been off my H.I.V. medication and because of my faith I know I am healed in Jesus Name!!! I’m not sexually active and it’s been six years that I have been abstinence!!! So as I wait in Jesus Name for the results to return I’m holding on to faith that I am healed!!! These mountains are moved in Jesus Name!!!” 

Devonte has also overcome many attacks both spiritually and physically but he continues to endure. He recently posted the bible scripture Ecclesiastes 9:11 “The race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one who endures until the end.”

He admits that it's an everyday battle to resist flesh but with the strength of God he does it. He knows that the battle is a spiritual battle and he suits up everyday by putting on the full Armour of God. 

He has completely turned his life around and is now a vessel in Christ.This young man is now a prophet for God and speaks the raw truth. Devonte does not believe in sugar coating his messages he speaks what God tells him to speak. 

Sometimes the raw truth hurts but the scripture Hebrews 4:12 says” For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Devonte is walking in his calling and that is to save and transform lives. He doesn’t care about how many likes or shares a post gets he only cares about the message being delivered. We as believers know that with elevation there are more tests and trials to overcome. 

We at K.M. Speaks wish Devonte much success with his ministry and pray that his testimony will continue to bless others. To read more about Prophet Devonte Synder please check out his interview below.

What is your go to scripture during trying times?
My go to scriptures during trying times is psalms 91

Why do you think most people would rather be in sin than to be saved?
I Think most people would rather be in sin than to be saved is because the fear of the truth that requires change

Some believe that you cannot be delivered of being a homo sexual but in your case God delivered you. What advice can you give to someone who wants to be delivered but is struggling?
My advice I can give is all things are possible through Christ. Fighting against temptation and as you keep fighting keep seeking God through fasting and praying and God will deliver you in his perfect timming. The bible tells us spirit can be casted out throught fasting.

Why do you believe most young males go into prostitution?
 Young males go into prostitution is for money, to feel loved, and accepted when everyone around them including family has rejected them.

What help you to be freed from Prostitution?
What help me to be freed from prostitution was God. I saw that prostitution was only making things worse and God showed me that I could have ended up dead somewhere.

If you could change one thing in your past what would it be and why?
I would not change anything because I learned that it was meant to happen to make me stronger and bring me this far in life.

What advice can you give to someone who has been sexually abused / molested?

I want to let them know that your not alone. I know its not something to let go. But if you believe in God The bible tells us to forgive and that vengeance is his. Move forward in life and allow healing to take place mentally and physically as you grow stronger .

What do you hope that people will gain from reading and hearing your testimony/ story?
 I hope some will gain God in their lives and see that God is real and that change is possible through Christ.

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