Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Taushey Sias: Gospel Singer

Taushey Sias is by far one of the best up and coming Gospel Singers I have encountered. She has a Mighty anointing on her life and where she goes so does the Holy Spirit. Although the Holy Spirit dwells in all of us Taushey is one artist that I can say is in tune with God. She not only gives God her praise and worship but she allows God to use her as a vessel. Don’t be shocked if one moment you are enjoying the beautiful sound of her voice and the next moment you are shouting and giving God glory.

When asked about her style of music she mentioned that “My style of music is churchy, jazzy, neo-soul contemporary and traditional worship. I want to bring something different to the Gospel Industry and to be relatable to everybody. I really don't mind being different and stepping out of the norm of what everybody is use to. I still want to convey a message and minister in the way that impacts people.”

She is what we would call a “ Minister of Music.” She definitely uses the gift of song to minister to others. Taushey has also accepted her calling as a minister she is currently taking a M.I.T. (Minister in Training) class at her church Ambassadors Today .  Her pastor is Dr. Regina Spellmon and her teacher is Elder Tami. Taushey told us that she is  grateful to be apart of a congregation with such great men and women of God.

Some Gospel singers can be serious and uptight but not Taushey. She loves to be around people and during her down time she enjoys cooking. She also enjoys making jokes and being a mother to her children.  Although Taushey is a Gospel singer and song writer her talent doesn’t stop there! She is the author of a up and coming book called Reflections verses Reality. This book is about how her goals and dreams have become her reality. 

To learn more about Tausey Check out her interview with K.M. Speaks! 

What advice can you give to musicians who want to give up?

My advice will be to pray about it and to take your feelings out of it. Remind yourself that the main reason for doing ministry is to help and encourage people. Some additional advice would be to have someone covering you and to have a great accountability partner. Whenever the pressure becomes unbearable these two people can encourage you and push you to keep going.

 If you could perform with any person who would that be and why?

 LeAndria Johnson, Why? Because before I made it to where I am musically. Her testimony encouraged me when I was at my lowest point in my life. We also share similar qualities in the way we sing and share the same story as far as having children out of wedlock. Neither one of us allowed our children to be an excuse not to follow our dreams. 

Also what's so ironic she was twenty-seven years old when she won Sunday Best.  I'm twenty-seven years old walking in my calling as a minister and recording artist. I just believe that we would have a spiritual bond because we went through similar things and God brought us through tough situations. I believe that the two of us on a record together would be crazy and anointed at the same time.

What is your favorite motivational quote?

I've learned that “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

What is your favorite style of music and why?

 My main style of music is Jazz because there are no limits when you sing. You can be free and creative in your placements with minor chords and go back into the major key as if nothing ever changed with the music. Chords are so amazing! Especially when you sing Acapella. In my head I hear and sing what the musicians play. I can totally understand how I could be misunderstood. But I thank God for my ear and my musicality!!

What are the top 3 performances you are most proud of?

 The top 3 performances that I am most proud of would be in 2015 on New Years Day at Faith Temple in Dallas, Texas. My favorite singer Kim Burrell called me on stage and we sang together. She then layed hands on me and prophesied over me.

 I also had the opportunity to be one of the lead roles in the Promise play at the Potters House in Dallas, Texas. I performed alongside Crystal Aiken, Barbara Mitchell, and Kim Burrell.

Last but not least I was blessed to go to Detroit for the Vizions Talent Show. I performed in front of Karen Clark Sheard and Kierra Sheard. I placed 2nd and God surely had his way in that place. I was truly blowned away.

Do you have any events coming up?

The Celebration of the Gospel at The Remnant of Grace Cultural Center in Dallas, Texas at 6:30pm on June 25th. Tickets are $10 and $15 at the Door.

June 26th at 1:00 at the Loan Star Park for the National Anthem. One God, One Praise June 26th at 6:00pm at Artist Boot Camp Studios  $10 for Adults and $8.00 for kids ages 6yrs-12yrs.

 July the 9th at 7:00pm iAM Gospel Talent Competition Lake Bethlehem Baptist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. Tickets for $10.

What is your social media/ contact information?

Instagram tsiasmusicpage
 Periscope @TSiasMusic 
Facebook Taushey Artist page link:

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K.M. Speaks Blogger

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