Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Dear Corrupt Spiritual Leaders,

Dear Corrupt Spiritual Leaders:
My name is Terica R. Lee and last week I took one for the team. I took it upon myself to apologize for all the “bad apples” in the Kingdom. See I don’t mind taking one for the team because I love God and my love for God goes beyond your petty ways. In the bible it says go to your brother and sisters in Christ before you go to the Throne. This is me coming to you or better yet addressing my concerns with you.

 My heart goes out to every single person you have hurt… because of you born again Christians have lost Faith. My heart goes out to every single person you've kicked out your church due to their lifestyle. Fun FACT: By discriminating against non-believers the non- believer may never become a believer. I'm sure that fun fact I shared wasn't new to you.I’m not 100% sure some of you were called to Christ… I believe you saw an opportunity for power, fame and money. 

So you took it! What you didn’t realize was that being a Spiritual leader is not a game. You do not have the right to play games with people’s souls. You do not have the right to steal money from your members or demand MORE money while wearing the finest jewelry. I think you got your job confused with a thief or con-artist.To those who were called to Minister and allowed the fame and fortune to go to your head… you to have mistaken Kingdom work as a game as well.

Who gave you the authority to dress up on Sunday jump, shout and dance around?  Who authorized you to water down scriptures? Who authorize you to Baptist in the name of the Holy Spirit when you have bound the Holy Spirit in chains and won’t let your true light shine. Apparently you think the pulpit is a Theater see you park your lavish car where it can be seen by your members. You walk around with a entourage and your head held high while looking down on your members. You enter your stage a.k.a the pulpit and it’s LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!!! 

This is were you get to show the world your acting skills and how good you are at PRETENDING to be Holy. Stop the Shenanigans the World is fed up! No one wants to go to church any more. Why are you passing around the offering plate 3-5 times in just a few hours. Again Stop the Shenanigans! You are truly mistaken if you think that because you get away with foolishness  multiple times a day then it’s okay. Your good works does not outweigh your selfish evil heart.

To my Pastors who sleep with his/ her members and think no one will confront you. It seems you may have gotten away with it for quite a while but your time is about to come to an abrupt end. You will be exposed and that fame and fortune will mean nothing compared to shame and your final fate. 

To the significant others of the Pastors God see’s you turning your head as your mate does ungodly things. So let me tell you a secret  you too will have the same fate. Wrong is Wrong and no lavish gift can change that.  Are you not tired of crying every night because you and your mate are living a lie? Aren’t you tired of being depressed but smiling on Sundays? Aren’t you tired?

If your truly tired then repent. Ask God to forgive you. Change your life around. Start living a holy life strive for perfection. Stop Playing games with people’s souls. Shut down the show you put on every Sunday. Walk in the light and stop hiding behind your title. If you accepted the calling then you accepted the challenges. Stop running and be true to your self and choose to do the right thing.

Apologize to your congregation and to your members. Bring all of your corruption to the light allow God to do some heart surgery on you. Allow him to make you pure again. Allow him to renew your mind , body and soul. If not then you will have a V.I.P. ticket with front row seats to join Satan and these tickets will be courtesy of the Kingdom of God. 

Be Blessed in all that you do,
Terica R. Lee

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