Saturday, February 14, 2015

K+ Sponsors: Something Special Styling Salon & Kurbellas Exclusives!!

Something Special Styling Salon Owner : Melva Williams

Melva Williams has been a professional hair stylist for 24 years now. She is the sole proprietor along with husband and business partner Ryan Williams of Something Special Styling Salon located in Irving, TX. They reside in Grand Prairie, TX with their 1 son and 3 grandsons.  Through their business they enjoy being contributors in their community.

Melva Williams is an entrepreneur and mastering her field. She’s a master stylist, field educator, product developer and motivational speaker. She makes a name for herself by being a qualified expert in all aspects of salon business ownership, client relations, and management operations.

She practices continuously and maintains comprehensive understanding of the hair care industry. Melva also has received awards for providing quality hair care and exemplary customer service.

Melva Williams has been featured in several local publications. Such as: Simply Me Magazine, Women Are Game Changers and DTV Unleashed. Look forward to her forth coming book An Educational Guide to Healthy Hair, a step by step guide on how to obtain and maintain a healthy head of hair.

Please visit to book you appointment!



Kurbellas Exclusives Owner: Angela Littrell

Kurbellas Exclusives believes that a perfect one of a kind accessory is the "exclamation" to your fashion statement!

Kurbellas Exclusives started out as necessity for myself a year ago and later turned into a hobby for making one-of-a-kind clutch bags and iPad cases.  It is not only a creative outlet for me to express my endless love and obsession for clutches, but more importantly my pursuit of an easy and practical way to carry my personal items around.

Kurbellas Exclusives has created many "bespoke" clutches for our clientele.  Many of these pieces on our Facebook and Instagram pages have been inspired by clients whom we have worked with over the past year.  Our clutches are handmade, made to order, and ONE-OF-A-KIND.  We strive to never make the same clutch twice.

Follow Kurbellas Exclusives on Instagram or Facebook our latest inspirations and designs.  Custom orders can be made upon request - just send us a message on what you are looking for and what inspires you.

BE INSPIRED. BE MOTIVATED. BE ENCOURAGED! If you would like to be a sponsor please email us at Subject: Sponsor
Don't forget to check out for your faith based t-shirts! If you need volunteer hours we are in need of someone to edit our blogs! please email!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

God's Favor On Me!

Almost five years ago(March 23, 2010 to be exact)  a group of us from the Little Rock community was traveling to Jacksonville, FL for a United Methodist Conference. When all of a sudden our bus went speeding down a trail in the middle of a corn field. The bus driver had fallen alseep at the wheel and the decision he faced was to flip the bus into the river or into a electric field. He ended up flipping the bus on the edge of a cliff which was a 30+ foot drop into a river.

 I was pinned down to the window and couldn't scream for help. I felt myself taking my last few breaths until someone said,"Holly is ok. I'm looking at her. But she needs for you guys to get off of her. She cant breath" . When the ladies got off me I fell through the window.. hanging on for my life! Thank God for the men that were on the bus that stepped in to help me. I also thank God there were no fatalities and his favor was on us that day.

  I was soooo heartbroken because my face was swollen and looked a mess. I didn't want to come out my room let alone have any company. I felt like the old saying,"God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers" was designed with me in mind. I then realized how good God was and realized those scars were only temporarily, and that I was still beautiful. All I can say is WONT GOD DO IT  !!

click on the video below

Holly Rockingham's

BE INSPIRED. BE MOTIVATED. BE ENCOURAGED! If you have a testimony that you would like to share please email your story to Subject: My Testimony
Don't forget to check out for your faith based t-shirts! If you need volunteer hours we are in need of someone to edit our blogs! please email!


Sunday, February 8, 2015


Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:  Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.~ Jeremiah 31:31-33 King James Version

It is a new season! We have been blessed to witness the second month of a brand new year. By the way, Happy 2015! Generally during this time of the year, many individuals decide and work toward their new goals and aspirations. Usually this change begins at the first of the year but sometimes in-between the beginning of the year and now we tend to become complacent. We must not forget the goals that have been set and renew the passion that is needed in order to receive the results we envisioned. What are you are aiming for in 2015? Equally, it is important to realize that we are in a new season “spiritually.” Unfruitful passions, desires, lusts, friends, and circumstances of 2014 must remain there. We cannot afford to bring the baggage of yesterday into our “new today” and ultimately into our “new season.” God has given us a unique opportunity and privilege to start over. We must not become entangled again with those things that are unfruitful and toxic to our future. The enemy will try everything in his limited power to stop us from forging into our new season. 
This means that we must be mindful and careful and see his tactics afar off. We must continue to allow God to do a rebirth inside of us. This can only happen if we remain in the presence of God. We get into his presence though establishing time when we can communion with Him. This time may be early in the morning or even late at night. This is critical. Also we must set a time where we read the Word of God and apply its principles into our life. We must guard our eye-gate and ear-gate, simple becoming careful with what we allow to get into our spirit. Sometimes this includes consecrating ourselves so that we can hear clearly from God. I must warn you that sometimes the journey will seem lonely; however it is critical for our development. Remember this is just a part of the process.
In this season it is a critical time to write down your goals, visions, aspirations dreams and desires. Then start reflecting upon those personal visions, aspirations, dreams and desires. Everything we desire ultimately should be an extension from our God given purpose. In this year, “it’s all or nothing.” We must be fully committed to God and fully seeking God. Additionally, we must endeavor and desire to please God in every area of our lives. Remember this walk is a daily journey but you’re destined to make it only if you continue to walk. It’s almost like walking to a physical destination; despite what happens, you will arrive to your planned destination, as long as you continue to walk and do not stop. 
In this ever changing society if we are going to reap the promises of God concerning our lives we must place God’s word in our hearts. What does God’s Word say concerning you? What does God’s Word say concerning your situation? What does God’s Word say concerning your dreams and aspirations? Even as Jeremiah 31:31-33 reminds us, God desires to be our God and for us to be His people. He wants to place his word and law inside of us and right that Word on our heart. This is important because we will be faced with challenges, adversities, storms and trials. However we can go through that Word and find renewed strength and faith. The Word of God is so necessary concerning us. Through God’s Holy Word we find hope, peace, strength and serenity. In this new season we must first build on the foundation that has been laid through Jesus Christ. This spiritual foundation is what will sustain us and catapult us into our God given destiny and purpose. Ultimately our dreams and aspirations will become a reality. Stay the course and remember “With God all things are possible.” –Matthew 19:26
Humbly submitted to encourage you!

Christ’s Vessel,
Alex Erdmann
Know More Inspirational Blogger