Monday, January 25, 2016

Broken But Not Destroyed Restoration is possible; By J.Monroe

Jackie Monroe Wilson is the CEO of J. Monroe Consulting and a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa.Her professional experience spans over twenty years in areas such as business, education, and healthcare. She also has experience in public relations as well as law and mortgage.

 She also serves as a business consultant providing services for new entrepreneurs and small businesses owners. 
Her main focus is to be a  career coach for clients who seek assistance with developing their professional brand, and implementing strategies that will help them increase their level of “Success-Ability”.

She recently released her first book, Broken But Not Destroyed: Restoration Is Possible.  This book tells of the tragedies and violations she suffered through, the mistakes she made and how she was restored to a place where she could grow to be the woman she is today.  It is intended to inspire and empower others to be bold enough stand strong in the midst of adversity and continue to move forward toward victory. Her primary message is “Brokenness doesn’t have to be permanent if you have the courage to pick up the pieces of your life and move on.”

Other activities include being a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. as well as an Alliance Member for Genesis Women’s Shelter, and Board Member for Infinite Wisdom Ministries.

Check out the interview below with J.Monroe to learn more about her book Broken but not Destroyed; Restoration is possible!

1. Tell us about your book Broken but Not Destroyed.

Broken But Not Destroyed; Restoration Is Possible is a book that is a testament of the life-changing and life-threatening situations I encountered. These experiences occurred from my childhood to adulthood that broke me emotionally, mentally and physically. At the age of 13 I was cleaning my mother's bullet wounds years later I was kidnapped and held at gunpoint. I have encounter so many trials in my life from the kidnapping I mentioned above to a devastating divorce not to mention domestic abuse. With that being said this book is not only a testimony to my life but I'm hoping it will be a source of inspiration to the readers. 

In my book " Broken But Not Destroyed; Restoration is possible" I candidly open up my most private thoughts and feelings. I'm sharing these experiences with the world so that others can overcome these situations. Going through these life trials has made me grow on so many levels and I want to inspire others by my personal story.

2. What do you hope that your readers will gain from reading your story?

I hope that readers will find the underlying messages, "What's broken can be fixed.  What's destroyed is lost forever" and "Brokenness doesn't have to be permanent if you have the courage to pick up the pieces of your life and move on."

3. It took you seven years to write this book. Why did it take you so long to publish your book?

I struggled with whether to publish some of the things I discuss in the book.  I wanted to protect people's feelings and didn't want to hurt anyone by telling "my" story.  I started and stopped quite a few times.  Ultimately, I had to finish what God had assigned me to do.  I knew that this was a bold move for me and I would be sacrificing my privacy. This book took awhile to write but I knew that my story would impact lives so it's something I had to complete.

4. You revealed some personal things about yourself. What advice can you give to those who have suffered abuse, molestation or infidelity?

 All of those things tend to thrust people who are affected by them into a "victim" category.  My advice would be for them to Acknowledge, Accept and Heal.
 (1) Acknowledge-What has happened to you. look the experience in the face and acknowledge that it happened.

(2) Accept- It is very important to accept what has happened to us as well as it is to accept any personal responsibility, if any. Accept that life has trials and tribulations and not every experience is fair but by accepting that it was a part of your past or present is the next step to overcoming a horrible experience.

(3) Give yourself permission to heal- The healing process won't begin until you take the first two steps and then allow yourself to go through the healing process, which can be painful, just like physical healing.  Once you get through these phases you will be able to transition from victim to survivor.

5. If you could change anything in your past what would it be and why?

I wouldn't suppress my feelings, I would never try to change anyone because people have to change themselves and I would be much more selective about the relationships I choose to engage in.

6. Why do you think God broke you all the way down before he could restore you?

This was the only way He could draw me closer to him.... there is a saying " God will break you all the way down and rebuild you" and that is exactly what I believe he did for me. He is now able to use me for a bigger purpose. As a motivational speaker I can now tell my story and use my experience as a testimony to inspire those who have encounter similar trials.

7. How can we purchase the book?

 The book can be purchased at or

8. Please provide us with your social media information?

My website is; Facebook: J. Monroe Consulting, Coaching & Speaking, Facebook: Broken But Not Destroyed: Restoration Is Possible; 
Twitter: @Jmonroewisdom; Instagram: j_monroe00

9. Check out J. Monroe's Up and Coming Events!

For more information please contact J. Monroe to see when the " From Broken 2 Beautiful Book Tour will be in your city!

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K.M. Speaks Inspirational Blogger

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