Monday, August 17, 2015

Spoken Word Poet: Kendall


Kendal Turner

 Kendal has garnered a reputation for being a quiet storm in the spoken word community as a soft spoken, bowtie wearing, force to be reckoned with. When Kendal isn’t busy saving souls, her other full time gig is being the coolest mom on the planet to two amazing sons.  It is important that art imitates life. All art forms – dance, song, painting, etc. – need honesty in expression.Honesty in her art, therefore, is not an option, but a calling. Kendal Turner is a poet who believes that our gift of art is an expression of God and his personified being.
As a mother, speaker, and artist, Turner works hard to balance all of her hats. She has done lots of events with celebrities. Kendal Turner has also done smaller events where she speaks to the youth.

Overall, she loves her craft – writing. Besides poetry, she has written an autobiography and worked on a line of t-shirts. She is working to expand her brand to reach more individuals. If interested, you should check out the interview with Kendal below.



What inspires you to write?

Every poem I have ever written was inspired by either something I have gone through, currently going through, or someone around me is going through. I can only write non-fiction poetry. 
Why do you think people should express themselves in some type of art?

I believe the gifts we use are God trying to express himself through us, no matter what that gift is. Whether it is gardening, painting or writing, we have to work with the gifts so that we can inspire, motivate and encourage other people to do the same.  Art is simply God in art form. It has to express itself.  
What is your favorite motivational quote and why?

My favorite quote is "To thine ownself be true". My father used to say this to me as a little girl, and I never quite understood it until he passed away. If we are not true to ourselves we are in essence living a lie.

Tell us about your latest piece.

My latest piece is about purpose. I initially started writing it to encourage others to follow their dreams, hold to the vision, and keep the faith. After I finished it, the poem ministered to me.  I was more encouraged reading it for myself than I have any other poem I've ever written. It was prophetic -exactly what I needed to hear.
The inspiration behind my latest piece was watching poets and other artists compete with one another. It upset me. It's almost as if some think there isn't enough for everyone to go around – like we don't all have something special to offer the world. I was frustrated with the egos and competition. So, the poem started out about competition but ended up being about purpose.

What goals would you like to accomplish within the next 3 years?

Within the next 3 years, my main goal is to see my autobiography “Thick Skin” turned into a movie. I would also like for my t-shirt line to be in Wal-Mart. Within the next 3 years I plan on being a household name.

What is your contact/ social media information?

My website is

My IG: kendalsturner

Fb: Kendal S. Turner

Twitter: kendalsturner

Photo credit: Kendal S. Turner Facebook page

Thank You for supporting K.M. Speaks,
Vvdaul R. Holloway
K.M. Speaks Community Blogger

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