Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Dear Satan,


Dear Satan,
Jesus told John to warn the Angel of Laodicea not to be lukewarm. He wants us to choose a side.(Rev 3:15-16)
I can no longer be a lukewarm Christian. I can no longer tether on line of who's team I'm on. I choose God I choose to fight everyday against you. You wanted me to use my voice to tear down people, to kill spirits and hurt others. In the past I have done those things but going forward I will use my voice to uplift, encourage and bring others to Christ. You have used my insecurities against me but God said I'm the opposite of EVERYTHING you said I am. God said I'm his daughter. He said I'm beautiful the way he made me. He said dispute my bad grammar his message will be heard. I recognize your works!
You send your demonic evil people to me daily. People who are angry with themselves... So they attack me! People who are insecure about themselves... so they attack me. People who are jealous of my life and my calling ...so they attack me. Satan I recognize your work but please know that when people cross paths with ME! They will get nothing less than Christ. Let me remind you that you're a loser. You will never win the big fight! Jesus is going to send you back to the pit that you came from. Rev 20:1-3

You wish you could be my living God Jehovah. You may be a God to some but they will follow you to your pit and burn with you. I know your goal is to steal souls, make people kill each other and have some take their own life! You want to destroy the lives of Christians... you want to destroy the lives of anyone who goes against you. (John 10:10) While you are doing your evil work. I will be saving lives, planting seeds of life and encouraging people.You are my enemy I have no pity for your fate. Your fate has been sealed you will lose this fight.  I will fight you Everyday of my life. Some days I will lose battles with you and some days I will win.
 But know that every time you catch me slipping and I fall. My God picks me up. He let's me know that he sees me and it's OK to fall short. Please know that  I will get up STRONGER every time. So I thank you for knocking me down because if you didn't I wouldn't know who I am today. I wouldn't know that my God could transform me! I wouldn't know that my God could release me from your footholds ! I wouldn't know the power that God has placed in me! 
You knew this day was coming and I'm sure your not pleased. You have attacked me since I was a child with visions I couldn't get rid of. You have laughed because my faith was weak and I feared you. Let me remind you of who you are! You thought that you would take over heaven but God threw you down to the pit that you belong in. You  are a fallen Angel! (Isaiah 14:13-17)

You are jealous of my God. In due time you will be defeated by my King. (1 Tim 6:15.) I no longer fear you or what your capable of.  I know I have a friend that Jesus left and that friend will never lead me astray. That friend is the Holy Spirit and he will never let me down. I have angels who protect me! I have a Savior Jesus Christ who will defeat you! I have a Father who made and created you! He said That for those who love him all things work together for good (Rom 8:28). I just wanted it to be known that I have enlisted myself in God's Army. I will be be strong and courageous. I won't fear you because my Lord God is with me. He will not forsake me.( Deut 31:6) With that being said I have risen.
Some of the people  who you thought you chained down I will set free. I'm your enemy. Your my enemy and I will treat you as such. I will die fighting against you. To put it simply I have taken my life back and declared war on you!.
I'll see you soon on the battle field... but in the meantime know I'm suiting up. (Esp 6:10-18)
Terica R. Lee



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